Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A flat surface of tongue

Notes from awareness:
the recursive I
strained through mirrors

loses solvency

the primary play of language
on the plump primariness of lips
original essence
encoding air with similitude

the spaceless point
of vertical self
diffused in horizon

Alexia chatters in the morning cafe
bagel tortured with coffee
the butter, disembodied,
is a buoy-light
the ever-shifting shore

Her friends form a knot of intention
single mind
of the many bodies

tabula rasa
in the confluence of wood pulp

the profusion of manyness
from the lips of the few

and they speak
lines out of nothing
speech out of sound
choking and gurgling

the river of becoming

their clothes are constructions
of fakery and pomp
the polis
of the manufactured thread
the recurrence of the dye

fabric like airy wings
the vibrato of the breeze

pennants and flags proclaiming:
am the sound of what I say
the texture of my movement

the self of the sparrow
lies in the birdsong

Sunday, August 29, 2010

+ Kadir

I stand in the distance

little I, little man in hers

and she

leaves off her segmentation

into lines and still pictures

the stutter

that breaks apart sounds

and in the revealing reveals

the geode

of clicks and whistles that smooth themselves

into the lattice-work

of windows

and she bursts apart, her dress like rags

hair split along hairlines

into birds

catching what may be the breeze

of a new order, a humanity

beyond human

where all narratives are shamed

before narration

where her hands

are strung in the loom

out of the fog, the weaving

of a morning-texture

the last emergence from night

the scape of sound escaping


the Final Mission:

to die in space the way that space has died

in us

Kadir strokes her temples

plants kisses on her cheeks

and smiles

his old, electric, piano-key smile

and cradles her head

in the eye in the I in the aye

of the dawn breaking dawns

against the changeless sky

never again to be broken

Introducing Alexia

She put her claws away

She has dispensed with the rhythm

of flickers of fire and flowers' cascades

she puts away her beating heart

organ of life

metronome of spirit passing

grey beating of a metal piston

on a metal drum, signifying

nothing nothing nothing

the beating of pulse on the brain

struggling to kill language

she dragged her fingernails through the

thorax of being the abdominis

of change- yogini of many arms

bhikuni of many minds

she put her tongue, disembodied

on the bed of the censer

censored the sense of the fire

in the coals which have coalesced

to syntagmatic structure


the vibrato in the throats of the bells

calling forth jack

from the candlestick

speaking to the bones of the embers



flowers garnishing the embryonic

children living in flame

be me

me not alone again anymore the way

I function has surpassed

again nonrepeating variable life

of dissolution and change

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Unnameable Spawn of Science

A little background on this one is deserved. On an online science/literary journal (if there can be such a monstrous thing) they had a challenge to write poems about quarks. Specifically, it said to take as your title one of the different subtypes of quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, or bottom. They also mentioned that 'top' and 'bottom' had before been 'beauty' and 'truth' but nobody could keep the names straight and the two were constantly being confused even in academic publications.
Well, as I write untitled poems, I thought "Hey, why not use all of them? And in an ascending scale of complexity until complexity becomes confusion? But still have it real small and minimalist so it feels like quantums inhabiting vast galaxies of empty space at a microscopic level?" Of course, it became a slow joke about science, empiricism, and human ingenuity.
Well, I never submitted it to the journal, so I thought I'd put it here.


facing into fiction


supine in the mud-

nose in the truth


your bearings are slowly relinquished

in planeless space

teasing form out of void


you twirl epileptic

sufi of the fire

tracing you in rays of light

the sun absolves of darkness


when were you alone before

in the context of man

the tweezers and engines of inquiry

the genie's bottle

exorcised the genie


the pyramid has a base

the column has a root

studying roots & branches

the science of beginnings and ends

yields the discernment & the is or is-not/neither is nor isn't

negation of [beauty] and [truth]

something playful

there is light in my garbage

I know not from whence it springs, large and unseemly

places inside of places

black coffee, rum, and constructions

of badly sculptured cigarettes

what the fuck do you think you are

some kind of fucking cowboy

some hipster detritus

pastiched from a world that has

equalized virtue

imagized virtue

virtue responds:

hey, I shine, as if shining

would ever be enough

to burn the sugar and mix the paint

emerge into intrinsic value

submit to extrinsic death

the doom-that-comes-from-without

perhaps bogie plays the role of bogart

in celestial noir; perhaps the cake

perhaps the painting

consume themselves:

exchange of value and virtue

rusting wheelwells on the river-bottom

are playgrounds for the fish

contextualized by water

they breathe themselves

I wear waves like fins

oxidized on my cowboy's brim


a hundred years too late

to exist

the body of the eye

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lost in Translation

Stumbled across a blog in Romanian and hit translate
lo and behold
beauty fractured, coalescing
into a greater beauty

so without ado, my found poem, courtesy of bad internet translation and the liminal space:

I start wrong, you do not you care

I crush butterfly wings, you hum a song deaf
I feel the wind ribbing, you make yourself that it's raining
I chew a jelly, you let walk-hui

you are the wind blow in my genes
I am lava melts you
you are at one pole
eu other
not see you.

there was something else, but I forgot, as they usually do.
Where the hell have you gone?


in the carnality, knowledge-state
of enforced recognition

seeing the face which grows
like fruit, from the root

of the shifting fixation
white flour and crystal screens

contraceptives containing
the seed that burns inside

through slag and plastic

the fire from which
the touch of polymer flees

and ties itself, basket-wise
into the imagination

of unity: I do not become thee!
unnecessary step past completion

darkness in which
the spark travails

like the gush of fuel
dying into the inferno

I am:
dead and inert in the midst

of your violence
alive, struggling fearfully

in your sea of confidence
which confides:

trust I am not, not faith
nor fire

I am Wisdom wearing the wise
I am deceit, sugar and oil

on a fool's lips
I am the song

for which the note must die
perish into me

inhale that you might expire
suck through the membrane

of illusion
seed of the fire

core of the star

On Poetic Confusion

A well-informed confusion is, and must be, the basis for all poetry that seeks to tilt its expansive lance at the contemporary fissions and joinings that link man with environment. We must risk being obtuse, we must risk risklessness and abstraction: for in truth, we as poets today no longer have a better world to coyly reveal, but only doubts and criticisms, and especially the clinging, cloying doubt that applies to our own endeavor.
I have been lately delving into the world of Buddhist doctrine and thought-criticism, and in my search uncovered the allegory that I use to explicate and conceptualize my own work. In the Tathagatagarba sutra, we find the principle of Dharmakaya, the Buddha-body or Buddha-nature, the eternal Self. In fact, this seems to be the entire thrust of the discourse: to establish this True Face, this mirror of soul, which we must cleanse of distraction and abstraction in order to see the world pure. But this flies in the face of one of the most basic Buddhist tenets, the characteristics of the world: Dukkha (suffering), Anicca (impermanence), and Anatta (Selflessness). One of Siddhartha's most important early philosophical positions was to deny the Eternalism of Hinduism and the progression of an unchanged Soul: Anatta very literally means "No-Atman." There is no Self, in classic Buddhism, besides the psychological characteristics which condition our consciousness; these characteristics may carry over through rebirths, but they are qualities, differentiated qualities, and as we all know, all differentiation, qualification, and conceptualization is false. There is no Self. And yet, according to many schools of learned masters, there is a Self; there is a mirror from which to wipe the dust. In this, one of the greatest systems of terminology and discourse which the human race has ever produced to discuss being and consciousness fails. And it fails in a way which seems unforeseen, but which truly could not have been any other way.
Rather than syllogism, in Buddhist critical theory we have a fourfold application of truth value: something is (affirmation), something is not (negation), something both is and is not (affirmation & negation), and something neither is nor is not (neither affirmation nor negation). Aristotle would be confused. Now, with a couple thousand years of philosophizing under our belt, we can see that Buddha was speaking on the space between signs and their referents: my word "tree" in no way corresponds to the tree outside, except by artificial consensus. It both is and is not a tree, and it also neither is nor is not a tree.
But even this I'm not sure about.
There has been quite a bit of thought lately about the nature of meaning and sound: after all, the Word was with God and all things were made by him; without him was nothing made that was made. DNA is a system of signs that generates life. The Hindus and related schools have long said that the universe is composed of sound, or as a modern physicist would put it, we are all just vibrations on strings.
But what are the strings?
Does the tree have some type of inherent linguistic value? A point on the grid of language?

I read massive amounts of modern poetry. Many deride the state of affairs in the Poetry Biz today, with PhDs and Institutional Approval everywhere, and much of the anti-culture stuff like Spoken Word being simply bad. Tarn vocalized his discontent, saying that though perhaps there was better poetry being produced now, in the twilight of his life, than ever before in the world, still it was impossible for him to sort through the vast jumble of bad poetry to approach the quality work. What he decried, I applaud: the democratization and equality of poetry. Even if you have a MacArthur fellowship, you're still just some guy writing poems. It may give you the commercial go-ahead to dedicate a significant amount of time to thinking about poems
but really
we who labor not for success as a commodity nor strive to have the label of 'genius' affixed to our resumes by a publicly-funded gallery or institution
are free to say what the fuck we want
to question the often-frivolous art world and literary world
to laugh at our heroes
and be comfortable in the assumption that if you write bad poems, no one will care to read them; but if we take care of poetry, she will take care of us

I am thus absolutely not comfortable taking any position that resembles a stand in my work, and I am not able to valorize anything but what is already privileged: the Question. This doesn't matter, anyway, because I cannot affirm something without simultaneously sowing the seeds of its destruction; the human mind, the writer's mind, the Mind that is & is not just doesn't work that way.

So I will mythologize things that arise from the convoluted, twisting ball of sameness beneath myth; I will gloss emotions that are dull, or bright, or anything but glossy; I will discuss things that cannot be subjects of discussion; sex will be the creativity inherent in all matter and the illusion that must be banished; technology will be the excretion of Nature and Nature will be the vomit of the mind; I will vault over language to see God's face
and in it

to see my own.

Goodnight and God Bless.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


nascent in the enigma
alone in the dark
the spark reposes
sotama eko valance
I respond:

Emanation of the absence of light,
screened by the infinite door,
I grasp you with my eyes!
I subdue

My half-closed eyes
cry your violence

and settle
into silence

she glows a minute
pretty and dimpled
the quiet girl
who is the light
that catalyzes worlds

her (offspring) and her effulgence
the cynosure that hides
past the latency of the night
the unpassable
the never-bringing-forth

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Out into you

little daddy's head
grew a poisonbush

but Blake was wrong
he couldn't stomach the wrath

it spilled its iridescence
his own primitive taste

on a flat plane of concrete
like an old solid window

confused with the floor
and she saw, she did, her

in her guise of happenings
her swollen maternity

salty and thirsty and hot
caked with waterless sweat

she looked
and the column of his anger

excited her.
that night he was hers

in the bed of humanity
the child howling

slept on the floor of the Earth.

Monday, August 16, 2010

for M

oil in the fingers
honey in their webs
you and I

the gloss of the catalog
the monied linen
slid between the digits

the point of fracture
seeding in the hail
the white-on-white-on-white

of your ghost
luxuriant, resting
on my retina

you are the falsity become true
the wrenching pain
eaten by the several mouths

of admiration and fear
of doubt and longing
of the molten gold and liquid steel

I call your skin, your eyes
Spirit closes her hand
enclosing the jewel

of you, arrayed in your own pure being
I have seen you wearing nothing
not even nakedness

alone with none of your shadows
no diffracted dressings of eyes
you are the sun inside my chest

the spark inside my eyes
speak with the fire, converse

with the light: O Man
be unburned!
your limbs are the rays

of the pourings-forth
of flawless bronze
into a flawless cast

my tongue is brutal and coarse
to abide itself speaking
and not to sing, glorying

in your touch I cannot feel
your beauty I cannot see
the radiance of your affirmation

I cannot taste in the midst
of our night
and your full-throated song

your breath that cries
the scent of broken lilies
which I cannot hear

through the noise with which
we've stoppered our ears
and dammed

the rivers of separate lives
split with a sluice
the streams of the rainbow

diamond of unspotted color!
brilliancy of life!
far away, in the place before

there is no I
no final note of passing
I repose, always

within you, beside you.