Saturday, June 12, 2010


This one needs a title and not a sequence-tag. But I hate titles; I never want to sum my work into a neat phrase, nor create a further juxtaposition with something outside, appended later onto the text. So um...

Unsequenced Poem

Insider's joke-

putting cigarettes out in Guernica

cubist oil crinkling

like cellophane in the secret pocket.


I wear spectacles like cameras

X-Ray vision, or rather

quanta flitting about.

Uncovered truth:

There is no canvas under the paint.


I sign my name

in big, ignorant block:


While others searched, amongst the bodies,

I was taking notes.

I had never seen such ravens.


  1. You have a very strong voice maintained throughout your work and a delightful turn of phrase; I particularly like this one and its "big, ignorant block".

  2. Thanks :P It's muchly appreciated.
