the muffled depths, black in the river
aglitter with jewels and bones
the old city, swept across
by the words of your water
she says:
"I haven't seen such beautiful flesh
since the last armageddon!"
it's nonsense.
the flame of her beauty
has burnt green and secret
in the bosom of the slumbering beast
cradled in the sympathy
of night
you wake
violets like burrs in your hair
and I touch you
to the fragrance of my lips
to the rifling of my tongue
sick and exquisite with nectar
wrung, still beating, from the blossom
in your crux
the ash grows muddy and black
in your teeth
the seeds run to pulp
deep lover
deep with old echoing sound
I am crazed with the sight
of the moon
peeking from inside
the flurry of petals and ice
that is the bed she spends her days
in the snowy noise
of your throat
you leak the oil of flowers
the melt of the early snow
and I drink you, orange rind
before you dry away
Amazing! liked especially the fourth stanza